Consultancy Works

12019-2021Independent Verification Agency for the Education Reform Support Program Outputs (Contract No. ERSP-TA #1/2018R2): Deliverables: Inception Report, Verif. Tool, semiannual Verification Reports
22017-2020Independent Verification Agency for the World Bank (IVA) for “Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees Program-for-Results” program (Contract No. 1/PforR/2017) Inception Report6 yearly verification report that included verifying records of Home Based Businesses as certified by MOITS.Survey of municipalities licensing of HBB
32019Home Based Business (HBB) Consultant/ Improving Labor Market Scope:  verify the municipalities’ records and perform random checks as needed: 1- Visit the 10 municipalities 3 times in April, June, and August 2019 (including the initial visit) to collect the data of licensed HBBs in these municipalities since August 2017 and collect new HBBs data. 2- Conduct one-to-one training for the personnel responsible for the HBBs licensing in each of the 10 municipalities on filling the template with available data and keep an updated list of HBBs licensing for reporting and verification purposes.
42017-2018Structuring a Public-Private Partnership for the Zarqa IWWTP Inception Report Site Location Analysis ReportBaseline Study ReportFeasibility Report of structuring the PPP Transaction
52017-2021Technical and Financial Audit of Amman Bus Rapid Transit (Contract No. 199/1/2017) Outputs: Six technical Audit reports covering 2013-2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.Each audit report covers time, cost, contractual aspects, procurement, variations, quality and ESMP (Environmental and Social Management Plans)
62019Review and comment on proposed amended financing agreement by AFD for Amman Bus Rapid Transit 
72016-2017Assessment and evaluation of the indicators of the 3rd Arab State of the Water Report-2015- Jordan
82010-2012Planning and Scheduling for Al- Mussafah-Abu Dhabi Supply Project. Location- Abu Dhabi
92008Evaluating and assessing delays in Boulevard Al-Abdali Project (Assessment of project Time) (Amman)
102008Monitoring and Evaluating Progress in Greater Amman Water Sector Improvement Program.

Contract Management (Planning) Experience

Contract Management (Planning) Experience
2023          Evaluating and assessing delays in Commercial Building in Al-Abdali Project (Assessment of project Time) (Amman)
2022 Analysis of time delays for an office Building  
2008 Evaluating and assessing delays in Boulevard Al-Abdali Project (Assessment of project Time) (Amman)  
2006 Service Contract: Developing and Updating work schedule of Greater Amman Water Sector Improvement Program.  
2- Setting up PPP and PSP Projects
2010-2012 Our team members represented the Owner in concluding the PPP (BOT) contract of Expanding As Samra WWTP MWI
2010 Our team members represented the Owner in concluding the Management Contract of Northern Governorate Water Administrations (Yarmouk Water Company) NGWA
2009-2010 Our team members represented the Owner in concluding the different PSP initiatives including outsourcing of the billing and collection of water services in three governorates (three contracts) –Madaba, Karak and Balqa. The contract were incentive based contracts. WAJ
2009-2012 Our team members also lead the efforts to develop performance based energy saving contracts in the water sector (feasibility studies, contracting of pumping station and WWTP)  
3- Performance Monitoring
2016-2017 Assessment and evaluation of the Indicators of the 3rd Arab State of the Water Report-2015- Jordan  

Project Management Services: Implementation Work

12020-2021Lot # 3 Amman Governorate Schools- Rehabilitation Works for Ministry of Education Schools, at Amman Governorate- Using CFW – ITB/2020/13064 -Package 1 Rehabilitation works in 15 schools. Employment of 400 CFW
22020-2021Lot # 4 Amman Governorate Schools- Rehabilitation Works for Ministry of Education Schools, at Amman Governorate- Using CFW – ITB/2020/13064-Package 1 Rehabilitation works in 15 schools. Employment of 400 CFW
32019-2020Lot # 1 Irbid Governorate Schools Rehabilitation Works for Ministry of Education Schools, at Irbid Governorate, Using CFW- ITB/2019/11762 -Package 1 Rehabilitation works in 15 schools. Employment of 250 CFW
42019-2020Lot # 2 Irbid Governorate Schools Rehabilitation Works for Ministry of Education Schools, at Irbid Governorate, Using CFW- ITB/2019/11762 Package 1 Rehabilitation works in 15 schools. Employment of 250 CFW