Independent Verification Agency for the World Bank (IVA)

This assignment is implemented by IUPconsult in consortium with Qazzaz Audit Est. The assignment involve providing Five key experts, four experts including one international expert are provided by IPUconsult, the fifth (financial audit expert) is provided by our partner Qazzaz Audit Est.

Scope of Work: IUP in association with Qazzaz Audit Est acts as the Consultant/contractor for this contract. The scope is to establish a measurement and verification approaches in in early 2017, and thereafter (2017-2020) to verify the indicators on a semi-annual basis. the first report will describe the baseline.

Contract Type: Consultancy to perform baseline and progress M&E reporting including Technical Audit for “Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees Program-for-Results” program..

Programme: “Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees Program-for-Results”

Contract Duration: June 2017 – Dec. 2020

Programme Finance: (IDA, IBRD with the CFF support) WB

Client: Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation (MOPIC)