Structuring a Public-Private Partnership for the Zarqa IWWTP:

The Assignment is contracted to SUEZ CONSULTING (SAFEGE), part of the work is subcontracted to LDK Consultants. IUPconsult Experts are leading the team of experts gathered for this assignment as of Feb. 2018. This consultancy assignment involves preparing all needed groundworks to launch a well-structured viable PPP construction project for the Zarqa Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWWTP). The Assignment include different tasks that was started by the Inception phase, followed by setting a Baseline that involve compiling the needed solid, accurate and comprehensive data that will enable conducting a decent feasibility study including Technical, Legal and Institutional Baselines. The second main task the Technical study wich will enable Conducting the Main task of studying the feasibility of the anticipated PPP IWWTP project; and if found feasible, the team will prepare the needed tender documentation for procuring the private partner under the selected and suitable PPP structure.